
Alicia is often asked how and why she entered the aquaculture industry. The story has many pieces, all of which contributed to the less conventional path she is on today. 

Alicia is a born entrepreneur and started her first hustle shortly after beginning high school. Motivated by an opportunity to travel around the country for field hockey, she began selling headbands and spandex athletic shorts to raise money for her adventures. She shifted to creating her own products in college when she began Gnarly Neckies, a winter accessories shop and her first official business. 

We all can agree that winter accessories and oysters are completely different ventures. Alicia found her interest was peaked by her studies of resource economics and sustainability as a part of her Environmental Policy and Planning Program at the University of Maine at Farmington. It was in the summer of 2017 that Alicia traveled abroad and visited Iceland Ocean Cluster and became fascinated with fisheries and sustainability. While visiting she learned there would be a similar facility brought to life in Portland, Maine and there may be opportunities for students to intern. One year later Alicia was doing just that. It was with the New England Ocean Cluster that she visited her first aquaculture farms and ate her first oyster. 


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